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How to use a Web3Auth signer with permissionless.js

Web3Auth is a popular embedded wallet provider that supports social logins. While social logins are great, your users still need to onramp in order to pay for gas, which introduces significant friction.

By combining permissionless.js with Web3Auth, you can use Web3Auth to enable a smooth social login experience, while using permissionless.js accounts as the smart wallets to sponsor gas for users, batch transactions, and more.


To use Web3Auth with permissionless.js, first create an application that integrates with Web3Auth.

  • Refer to the Web3Auth documentation site for instructions on setting up an application with the Web3Auth.
  • For a quick start, Web3Auth provides example starter projects, available here.


Integrating permissionless.js with Web3Auth is straightforward after setting up the project. Web3Auth provides an Externally Owned Account (EOA) wallet to use as a signer with permissionless.js accounts.

Create the Web3Auth object

After following the Web3Auth documentation, you will have access to a web3auth object as shown below that you can use to create a SmartAccountSigner object:

import { CHAIN_NAMESPACES, WEB3AUTH_NETWORK } from "@web3auth/base"
import { Web3Auth } from "@web3auth/modal"
import { providerToSmartAccountSigner } from "permissionless"
import { EIP1193Provider } from "viem"
// Config options here will be specific to your project.  See the Web3Auth docs for more info.
const web3auth = new Web3Auth({
	chainConfig: {
		chainNamespace: CHAIN_NAMESPACES.EIP155,
		chainId: "0xaa36a7",
		rpcTarget: "",
		displayName: "Sepolia Testnet",
		blockExplorer: "",
		ticker: "ETH",
		tickerName: "Ethereum",
	uiConfig: {},
// Get the Provider and EOA address (this will be the address of the signer) from Web3Auth
const web3authProvider = web3auth.provider
if (!web3authProvider) {
	throw new Error("No provider found")
// Create the smart account signer from the provider and signer address
const smartAccountSigner = await providerToSmartAccountSigner(web3authProvider as EIP1193Provider)

Use with permissionless.js

import { signerToSimpleSmartAccount } from "permissionless/accounts"
import { createPimlicoBundlerClient, createPimlicoPaymasterClient } from "permissionless/clients/pimlico"
import { createPublicClient, http } from "viem"
import { generatePrivateKey, privateKeyToAccount } from "viem/accounts"
import { sepolia } from "viem/chains"
const pimlicoRpcUrl = `<api-key>`
const pimlicoPaymaster = createPimlicoPaymasterClient({
    transport: http(pimlicoRpcUrl),
    entryPoint: ENTRYPOINT_ADDRESS_V06
const bundlerClient = createPimlicoBundlerClient({
    transport: http(pimlicoRpcUrl),
    entryPoint: ENTRYPOINT_ADDRESS_V06,
const publicClient = createPublicClient({
	transport: http(""),
	chain: sepolia,
const smartAccount = await signerToSimpleSmartAccount(publicClient, {
	signer: smartAccountSigner,
const smartAccountClient = createSmartAccountClient({
	account: smartAccount,
	chain: sepolia, // or whatever chain you are using
	bundlerTransport: http(pimlicoRpcUrl, {
		timeout: 30_000 // optional
	middleware: {
		gasPrice: async () => (await bundlerClient.getUserOperationGasPrice()).fast,
		sponsorUserOperation: pimlicoPaymaster.sponsorUserOperation,

For a full example, see the example permissionless + Web3Auth app.