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How to create and use a Trust smart account with permissionless.js

Trust Wallet is one of the most trusted wallet provider empowering more than 122 million users and is the first Web3 wallet to be certified by ISO. After thorough development and extensive security audits, Trust Wallet launched the Smart Wallet powered by account abstraction.

With the recent opensource of their Smart Wallet system Barz, their smart account solution, together with their security infrastructure is disclosed for public to support builders build products on a secure foundation.

This guide will walk you through how to create and use a Barz account with permissionless.js


Import the required packages

import { createSmartAccountClient } from "permissionless"
import { createPublicClient, getContract, http, parseEther } from "viem"
import { createPimlicoClient } from "permissionless/clients/pimlico"
import { sepolia } from "viem/chains"

Create the clients

First we must create the public, (optionally) pimlico paymaster clients that will be used to interact with the Trust Smart Account.

export const publicClient = createPublicClient({
	transport: http(""),
export const pimlicoClient = createPimlicoClient({
	transport: http(""),
	entryPoint: {
		address: entryPoint06Address,
		version: "0.6",

Create the TrustAccount

You can also pass an address to use an already created TrustAccount.

const trustAccount = await toTrustSmartAccount({
	client: publicClient,
	index: 0n, // optional
	address: "0x...", // optional, only if you are using an already created account

Create the smart account client

The smart account client is a permissionless.js client that is meant to serve as an almost drop-in replacement for viem's walletClient.

const smartAccountClient = createSmartAccountClient({
	account: trustAccount,
	chain: sepolia,
	paymaster: pimlicoClient,
	bundlerTransport: http(""),
	userOperation: {
		estimateFeesPerGas: async () => (await pimlicoClient.getUserOperationGasPrice()).fast,

Send a transaction

Transactions using permissionless.js simply wrap around user operations. This means you can switch to permissionless.js from your existing viem EOA codebase with minimal-to-no changes.

const txHash = await smartAccountClient.sendTransaction({
	to: "0xd8da6bf26964af9d7eed9e03e53415d37aa96045",
	value: parseEther("0.1"),

This also means you can also use viem Contract instances to transact without any modifications.

const nftAbi = [
		inputs: [],
		name: "mint",
		outputs: [],
		stateMutability: "nonpayable",
		type: "function",
] as const
const nftContract = getContract({
	address: "0xFBA3912Ca04dd458c843e2EE08967fC04f3579c2",
	abi: nftAbi,
	client: {
		public: publicClient,
		wallet: smartAccountClient,
const txHash = await

You can also send an array of transactions in a single batch.

const txHash = await smartAccountClient.sendUserOperation({
	calls: [
			to: "0xd8da6bf26964af9d7eed9e03e53415d37aa96045",
			value: parseEther("0.1"),
			data: "0x",
			to: "0x1440ec793aE50fA046B95bFeCa5aF475b6003f9e",
			value: parseEther("0.1"),
			data: "0x1234",