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Creates a Safe smart account instance controlled by a owners.


import { toSafeSmartAccount } from "permissionless/accounts"
import { publicClient } from "./publicClient"
import { owner } from "./owner"
import { entryPoint07Address } from "viem/account-abstraction"
const safeAccount = await toSafeSmartAccount({
	client: publicClient,
	entryPoint: {
		address: entryPoint07Address,
		version: "0.7"
	}, // global entrypoint
	version: "1.4.1",


  • Type: SmartAccount<SafeSmartAccountImplementation>

The smart account instance.



  • Type: Client

A public client as smart account needs access to the Network to query for information about its state (e.g. nonce, address, etc).


  • Type: [LocalAccount | EIP1193Provider | WalletClient]

The owners that will be used to sign messages and user operations.


  • Type: 1.4.1

The version of the Safe contract that will be used.

entryPoint (optional)

  • Type: { address: Address, version: "0.6" | "0.7" }

The address and the version of the EntryPoint contract. If not provided, entryPoint 0.7 will be used.

saltNonce (optional)

  • Type: bigint

The salt nonce that will be used to deploy the smart account. If not provided, 0 will be used.

addModuleLibAddress (optional)

  • Type: Address

The address of the AddModuleLib contract. If not provided, the default address for the Safe version will be used.

safe4337ModuleAddress (optional)

  • Type: Address

The address of the Safe4337Module contract. If not provided, the default address for the Safe version will be used.

safeProxyFactoryAddress (optional)

  • Type: Address

The address of the SafeProxyFactory contract. If not provided, the default address for the Safe version will be used.

safeSingletonAddress (optional)

  • Type: Address

The address of the SafeSingleton contract. If not provided, the default address for the Safe version will be used.

multiSendAddress (optional)

  • Type: Address

The address of the MultiSend contract. If not provided, the default address for the Safe version will be used.

multiSendCallOnlyAddress (optional)

  • Type: Address

The address of the MultiSendCallOnly contract. If not provided, the default address for the Safe version will be used.

safeModules (optional)

  • Type: Address[]

The addresses of the Safe modules that will be added during deployment.

setupTransactions (optional)

  • Type: Call[]

An array of calls that will be executed during the deployment of the smart account (when the initCode is executed).

address (optional)

  • Type: Address

The address of the smart account. If not provided, the determinstic smart account address will be used.

validUnit (optional)

  • Type: number

The timestamp until which the signature is valid by default.

paymentToken (optional)

  • Type: Address

The address of the token that will be passed in the setup function of the Safe contract.

payment (optional)

  • Type: bigint

The amount of the payment token that will be passed in the setup function of the Safe contract.

paymentReceiver (optional)

  • Type: Address

The address that will be passed in the setup function of the Safe contract.

validators (optional)

  • Type: { address: Address; context: Address }[]

The default validators for the safe contract, these must be 7579 compliant and the safe MUST be initialised with the 7479 module.

executors (optional)

  • Type: { address: Address; context: Address }[]

The default executors for the safe contract, these must be 7579 compliant and the safe MUST be initialised with the 7479 module.

fallbacks (optional)

  • Type: { address: Address; context: Address }[]

The default fallback handlers for the safe contract, these must be 7579 compliant and the safe MUST be initialised with the 7479 module.

hooks (optional)

  • Type: { address: Address; context: Address }[]

The default hooks for the safe contract, these must be 7579 compliant and the safe MUST be initialised with the 7479 module.

attesters (optional)

  • Type: Address[]

The attesters for the safe contract, these must be 7579 compliant and the safe MUST be initialised with the 7479 module.

attestersThreshold (optional)

  • Type: number

The attesters threshold for the safe contract, these must be 7579 compliant and the safe MUST be initialised with the 7479 module.