Validation error: Invalid discriminator value
Validation error: Invalid discriminator value. Expected 'eth_chainId' | 'eth_supportedEntryPoints' | 'eth_coinbase' | 'eth_estimateUserOperationGas' | 'eth_sendUserOperation' | 'eth_getUserOperationByHash' | 'eth_getUserOperationReceipt' | 'pm_supportedEntryPoints' | 'pm_sponsorUserOperation' | 'web3_clientVersion' | 'pimlico_getUserOperationStatus' | 'pimlico_getUserOperationGasPrice' | 'pimlico_getBalance' | 'pm_validateSponsorshipPolicies' at \"method\""
If you see an error similar to the one above, it means you are calling a method on the Pimlico API that is not supported. The most common reason for this is using the Pimlico API endpoint for standard public Ethereum JSON-RPC methods. As a reminder, the Pimlico API only supports bundler and paymaster methods.
Possible solutions
Make sure you are using a standard RPC endpoint for public Ethereum methods and the Pimlico API endpoint for Pimlico-specific methods.
import { createPublicClient, http } from "viem"
const publicClient = createPublicClient({
transport: http("")
transport: http("")