eth_estimateUserOperationGas | Pimlico Docs
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This method simulates the user operation and estimates the appropriate gas limits for it. If the operation is not successful, it will return an error.

EntryPoint v0.7


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "eth_estimateUserOperationGas",
  "params": [
      "sender": "0x5a6b47F4131bf1feAFA56A05573314BcF44C9149",
      "nonce": "0x845adb2c711129d4f3966735ed98a9f09fc4ce5700000000000000000000",
      "factory": "0xd703aaE79538628d27099B8c4f621bE4CCd142d5",
      "factoryData": "0xc5265d5d000000000000000000000000aac5d4240af87249b3f71bc8e4a2cae074a3e419...",
      "callData": "0xe9ae5c5300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000...",
      "callGasLimit": "0x0",
      "verificationGasLimit": "0x0",
      "preVerificationGas": "0x0",
      "maxFeePerGas": "0x7a5cf70d5",
      "maxPriorityFeePerGas": "0x3b9aca00",
      "paymaster": null,
      "paymasterVerificationGasLimit": null,
      "paymasterPostOpGasLimit": null,
      "paymasterData": null,
      "signature": "0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff0000000000000000000000000000000007aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa1c"
  "id": 1


  • Type: Object

An object containing the estimated gas values for the user operation.

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "preVerificationGas": "0xd3e3",
    "verificationGasLimit": "0x60b01",
    "callGasLimit": "0x13880",
    "paymasterVerificationGasLimit": "0x0",
    "paymasterPostOpGasLimit": "0x0"


The method accepts an array with the following parameters:

  1. userOperation - Object: The user operation object containing the following fields:

    • sender - Address: The account making the operation.

    • nonce - HexNumber: Unique identifier for the request from this sender.

    • factory - Address (optional): The factory contract address.

    • factoryData - HexData (optional): The factory data for account creation.

    • callData - HexData: The data to pass to the sender during the main execution call.

    • callGasLimit - HexNumber: The amount of gas to allocate the main execution call.

    • verificationGasLimit - HexNumber: The amount of gas to allocate for the verification step.

    • preVerificationGas - HexNumber: The amount of gas to pay for to compensate the bundler for pre-verification execution and calldata.

    • maxFeePerGas - HexNumber: Maximum fee per gas (similar to EIP-1559 max_fee_per_gas).

    • maxPriorityFeePerGas - HexNumber: Maximum priority fee per gas (similar to EIP-1559 max_priority_fee_per_gas).

    • paymaster - Address (optional): Address of paymaster sponsoring the transaction, or null if none.

    • paymasterVerificationGasLimit - HexNumber (optional): The amount of gas to allocate for the verification step of the paymaster, or null if no paymaster.

    • paymasterPostOpGasLimit - HexNumber (optional): The amount of gas to allocate for the post-operation step of the paymaster, or null if no paymaster.

    • paymasterData - HexData (optional): The data to pass to the paymaster during the verification step, or null if no paymaster.

    • signature - HexData: The signature data. For gas estimation, this can be a dummy signature.

    • eip7702Auth - SignedAuthorization (optional): The EIP-7702 authorization data. This can be a dummy authorization for estimations.

  2. entryPoint - Address: The entry point contract address.

SignedAuthorization Type

    address: Address,      // addressSchema - The contract address for the authorization
    chainId: Hex,                  // hexNumberSchema transformed to Hex - The chain ID
    nonce: Hex,                    // hexNumberSchema transformed to Hex - The nonce
    r: Hex,                        // hexData32Schema transformed to Hex - The r component of the signature
    s: Hex,                        // hexData32Schema transformed to Hex - The s component of the signature
    v: HexString,                  // hexNumberSchema - The v component of the signature
    yParity: HexNumber             // hexNumberSchema transformed to Hex - The y-parity value

EntryPoint v0.6


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "eth_estimateUserOperationGas",
  "params": [
      "sender": "0xb341FEAFaF71b09089d03B7D114599f8F491EE45",
      "nonce": "0x0",
      "initCode": "0x5de4839a76cf55d0c90e2061ef4386d962E15ae3296601cd0000000000000000000000000da6a956b9488ed4dd761e59f52fdc6c8068e6b5...",
      "callData": "0x5194544700000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000...",
      "callGasLimit": "0x0",
      "verificationGasLimit": "0x0",
      "preVerificationGas": "0x0",
      "maxPriorityFeePerGas": "0x3b9aca00",
      "maxFeePerGas": "0x7a5cf70d5",
      "paymasterAndData": "0x",
      "signature": "0x00000000fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff0000000000000000000000000000000007aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa1c"
  "id": 1


  • Type: Object

An object containing the estimated gas values for the user operation.

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "preVerificationGas": "0xdf55",
    "verificationGas": "0x52503",
    "verificationGasLimit": "0x52503",
    "callGasLimit": "0x13880"


The method accepts an array with the following parameters:

  1. userOperation - Object: The user operation object containing the following fields:

    • sender - Address: The account making the operation.

    • nonce - HexNumber: Unique identifier for the request from this sender.

    • initCode - HexData: The initialization code for account creation.

    • callData - HexData: The data to pass to the sender during the main execution call.

    • callGasLimit - HexNumber: The amount of gas to allocate the main execution call.

    • verificationGasLimit - HexNumber: The amount of gas to allocate for the verification step.

    • preVerificationGas - HexNumber: The amount of gas to pay for to compensate the bundler for pre-verification execution and calldata.

    • maxFeePerGas - HexNumber: Maximum fee per gas (similar to EIP-1559 max_fee_per_gas).

    • maxPriorityFeePerGas - HexNumber: Maximum priority fee per gas (similar to EIP-1559 max_priority_fee_per_gas).

    • paymasterAndData - HexData: The address of the paymaster sponsoring the transaction, followed by extra data to send to the paymaster.

    • signature - HexData: The signature data. For gas estimation, this can be a dummy signature.

    • eip7702Auth - SignedAuthorization: (Optional) The EIP-7702 authorization data. This can be a dummy authorization for estimations.

  2. entryPoint - Address: The entry point contract address.

SignedAuthorization Type

    address: Address,      // addressSchema - The contract address for the authorization
    chainId: Hex,                  // hexNumberSchema transformed to Hex - The chain ID
    nonce: Hex,                    // hexNumberSchema transformed to Hex - The nonce
    r: Hex,                        // hexData32Schema transformed to Hex - The r component of the signature
    s: Hex,                        // hexData32Schema transformed to Hex - The s component of the signature
    v: HexString,                  // hexNumberSchema - The v component of the signature
    yParity: HexNumber             // hexNumberSchema transformed to Hex - The y-parity value

Using state overrides

You can use state overrides to simulate the user operation with a different state the same way you would with eth_call by including an optional third parameter. This is supported for both EntryPoint v0.6 and v0.7.


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "eth_estimateUserOperationGas",
  "params": [
      "sender": "0xa203fDb8bC335F86016F635b85389B62B189E417",
      "nonce": "0x35bf2a054f92f3730b87582ef223c8d663f9eb01158154750000000000000000",
      "initCode": "0x",
      "callData": "0xb61d27f6000000000000000000000000530fff22987e137e7c8d2adcc4c15eb45b4fa752...",
      "callGasLimit": "0x115b5c0",
      "verificationGasLimit": "0x249f0",
      "preVerificationGas": "0xeb11",
      "maxPriorityFeePerGas": "0x12a05f200",
      "maxFeePerGas": "0x5b08082fa",
      "paymasterAndData": "0x",
      "signature": "0xa6cc6589c8bd561cfd68d7b6b0757ef6f208e7438782939938498eee7d703260137856c840c491b3d415956265e81bf5c2184a725be2abfc365f7536b6af525e1c"
      "0xd9c9cd5f6779558b6e0ed4e6acf6b1947e7fa1f3": {
        "balance": "0xde0b6b3a7640000"
      "0xebe8efa441b9302a0d7eaecc277c09d20d684540": {
        "stateDiff": {
          "0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80": "0x21"
  "id": 1


The method accepts an array with the following parameters:

  1. userOperation - Object: The user operation object (see the structure in the EntryPoint v0.6 or v0.7 sections above).

  2. entryPoint - Address: The entry point contract address.

  3. stateOverrides - Object: (Optional) State overrides to apply for the simulation.

    • Each key is an Address
    • Each value is an object that can contain:
      • balance - HexNumber (optional) The balance to set for the address
      • nonce - HexNumber (optional) The nonce to set for the address
      • code - HexData (optional) The code to set for the address
      • state - Object (optional) Complete state to set, where each key is a 32-byte hex storage slot and each value is a 32-byte hex value
      • stateDiff - Object (optional) State differences to apply, where each key is a 32-byte hex storage slot and each value is a 32-byte hex value