pimlico_getUserOperationStatus | Pimlico Docs
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This method takes in a user operation hash and returns the status of the operation and, optionally, the transaction hash the bundler is using to bundle the user operation on-chain. The status can be one of the following:

resultresponse includes transaction hashdescription
not_foundfalsethe operation hash is not known to the bundler or has been rejected during validation and has never entered the mempool
not_submittedfalsethe operation hash is known to the bundler but is sitting in the mempool and has not been bundled into a transaction yet
submittedtruethe operation hash is known to the bundler, has been bundled into a transaction which is currently pending in the mempool
rejectedfalsethe operation hash has entered the mempool but as it was being bundled into a bundle transaction the re-simulation failed and it was never submitted
includedtruethe operation hash is known to the bundler and has been included on-chain
failedtruethe operation hash is known to the bundler and the transaction bundling it has been included on-chain but the bundle transaction reverted
queuedfalsethe operation hash is known to the bundler but is waiting in a queue before being sent to the mempool due to its nonce being too high


    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "pimlico_getUserOperationStatus",
    "params": ["0x9bd004b8240da8eba3a02190a72be8a70ade8ef4c581b6e59789643c5e642ac3"],
    "id": 1


    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "result": {
        "status": "not_found",
        "transactionHash": null