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Magic Spend++

Magic Spend++ is an infrastructure solution that lets you fund blockchain transactions across multiple networks using a single fiat balance. You can try out the demo at

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How It Works

  1. Top Up Your Balance: Add funds to your Pimlico account using a credit card or bank transfer through the dashboard
  2. Request Withdrawals: Use these funds to request signed withdrawal messages for any supported token on any supported chain
  3. Execute Transactions: Submit the signed messages to receive tokens directly on your target chain

This means you can:

  • Fund transactions on any supported chain without bridging assets
  • Pay for gas fees in any supported token
  • Execute cross-chain operations without managing multiple token balances
  • Handle all blockchain interactions while keeping a single fiat-denominated balance


  • Multi-chain support
  • Gasless transactions
  • Smart account integration
  • Pre and post-call hooks for complex operations
  • Simple fiat on-ramp through credit card or bank transfer

Getting Started

To start using Magic Spend:

  1. Get your Pimlico API key
  2. Ask the Pimlico team to enable the Magic Spend feature for your API key
  3. For mainnet usage, add Magic Spend balance in the dashboard (testnet usage is free)
  4. Choose your target chain and token
  5. Initialize the clients
  6. Make your first withdrawal

For a practical example, check out our demo application or review the demo source code.


Need help integrating Magic Spend? Schedule a call with our team to discuss your requirements and get personalized assistance.

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