ERC-20 Paymaster
The ERC-20 Paymaster is an on-chain ERC-4337 paymaster that is able to pay for the gas fees of your users in exchange for ERC-20 tokens.
Pimlico is proud to have written and launched the first permissionless, fully-audited ERC-20 Paymaster 🎉
Learning-oriented lessons that take you through a series of steps to complete a project. Most useful when you want to get started with Pimlico. They all involve the Alto Bundler.
- Tutorial 2 leverages the ERC-20 Paymaster to sponsor the gas fees for a User Operation with USDC.
References provide specific technical descriptions. They are most useful when you need detailed information about Pimlico's APIs.
Conceptual Guides
Conceptual guides provide high-level explanations of concepts. They are most useful when you need to understand the big picture.
- Understand more about the architecture of our ERC20 Paymaster.
- Check out our FAQs.