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How to create your own inflator contract and submit compressed user operations to Pimlico's bundler

This guide walks you through how to create your own inflator contract, compress your user operations and submit them to Pimlico's bundler to achieve significant gas cost savings for your users.

In order to submit compressed user operations to Pimlico's bundler, you need to:

  • Write and deploy your inflator contract implementing the IOpInflator interface
  • Get the Inflator contract address whitelisted by Pimlico
  • Start submitting your compressed user operations using the pimlico_sendCompressedUserOperation JSON-RPC method

Write and deploy your inflator contract

First, we will write a simple inflator contract that implements the IOpInflator interface. This is the contract that will be called through the BundleBulker contract to decompress the compressed user operation bytes and submit the decompressed user operation through the EntryPoint.

The IOpInflator interface is defined as follows:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
pragma solidity >=0.8;
import "account-abstraction/interfaces/IEntryPoint.sol";
interface IOpInflator {
    function inflate(
        bytes calldata compressed
    ) external view returns (UserOperation memory op);

For the sake of simplicity, we will write a simple inflator contract that encodes and decodes the user operation bytes using the LZ77 lossless compression algorithm leveraging Solady's solidity implementation.

In practice, you will want to write a more complex inflator contract that implements a more stateful decompression algorithm, likely leveraging important context you as the developer have about the types of user operations you are submitting.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
pragma solidity >=0.8;
pragma abicoder v2;
import "bulk/src/IOpInflator.sol";
import {LibZip} from "solady/src/utils/LibZip.sol";
contract SimpleInflator is IOpInflator {
    function inflate(
      bytes calldata compressed
    ) external pure override returns (UserOperation memory op) {
        op = abi.decode(LibZip.flzDecompress(compressed), (UserOperation));
    function compress(
      UserOperation memory op
    ) external pure returns (bytes memory compressed) {
        compressed = LibZip.flzCompress(abi.encode(op));

Once you have written your decompressor contract, you will need to deploy it to the network you are using and verify the source code on Etherscan. We recommend using forge for this.

forge create \
    --rpc-url <your_rpc_url> \
    --private-key <your_private_key> \
    --etherscan-api-key <your_etherscan_api_key> \
    --verify \

Get the Inflator contract address whitelisted by Pimlico

Once your decompressor contract is deployed and verified, you will need to get the contract address whitelisted by Pimlico's bundler.

This is required because we have to make sure that there are no security issues with your decompressor contract that could lead to the bundler being exploited or made to waste gas.

This is done by reaching out to our team on telegram.

Start submitting your compressed user operations

Once your decompressor contract is deployed and whitelisted, you can start submitting compressed user operations to Pimlico's bundler using the pimlico_sendCompressedUserOperation JSON-RPC method.

Using the above SimpleInflator contract and the permissionless.js function as an example, we can compress and submit a user operation as follows:

import { smartAccountClient, simpleSmartAccount, publicClient } from "./smartAccountClient";
import { pimlicoClient } from "./pimlicoClient";
import { parseAbiItem, encodeFunctionData, getContract } from "viem"
import { SimpleInflatorAbi } from "./SimpleInflatorAbi";
const callData = await simpleSmartAccount.encodeCallData({ 
    to: "0x0488bEE1Ec682db0F0E74AB52faFdDdEf10Af123", 
    data: encodeFunctionData({
        abi: [parseAbiItem('function mint()')]
    value: 0n 
// only if using pimlico
const gasPrices = await pimlicoClient.getUserOperationGasPrice()
const userOperation = await smartAccountClient.prepareUserOperationRequest({
    userOperation: { 
        callData, // callData is the only required field in the partial user operation
userOperation.signature = await simpleSmartAccount.signUserOperation(userOperation)
// address of the previously deployed inflator contract
const inflatorAddress = "0xINFLATOR_ADDRESS"
const simpleInflator = getContract({
    abi: SimpleInflatorAbi,
    address: inflatorAddress,
    client: {
        public: publicClient
// compress the user operation
// you can do this off-chain as well
const compressedUserOperation = await[userOperation])
const userOpHash = pimlicoClient.sendCompressedUserOperation({

Congratulations! You have successfully submitted a compressed user operation to Pimlico's bundler.